Posts filed under ‘Feng shui advice’

How to Super Charge Your Feng Shui In One Easy Step (Video)

October 29, 2009 at 10:07 pm Leave a comment

October 2009 Flying Star Feng Shui Energy

Below is the Flying Star feng shui chart for October 2009.

October 2009 Flying Star Energy

October 2009 Flying Star Energy

If you draw an outline of your office or home floor plan and then put a tic-tac-toe symbol over it you will have the bagua for your building. (There’s actually a little more to it than this but in general this will work for you.) Once you have this you can label the directions so you know which energy will affect the different guas of your office or home.

The easiest way to activate the positive guas (areas in your home) is to keep these areas busy. Have the kids play here, hold meetings in this area of your office and if your front door is in a positive gua that will stir up the energy, too.

You can reduce the effects of the negative guas by keeping these areas quiet. If possible, don’t use these areas at all because the more activity you have here the more you will stir up the energy that will create the challenges you see here in the chart.

For example, if your main door is in the Northwest try to use it as much as possible this month if you want to travel or travel a lot already. If your front door is in the East it’s better if you use a different door to come and go from your home or business to avoid financial loss or theft.

An easier way to activate the beneficial guas and cure the negative ones is to place your feng shui activations and cures. That way you don’t have to worry about whether you need to use or avoid certain doors or rooms each month.

You can get your feng shui cures and activations each month by going here: Flying Star Feng Shui for 2009. In addition to giving you everything you need to experience the best energy possible you’ll also get your personal feng shui outlook for the month.

October 9, 2009 at 1:46 pm 1 comment

How to Feng Shui for Better Health

Did you know that each area of the feng shui bagua not only represents an area of your life but also different parts of your body?  It’s true.

Whenever I hear a mom talking about her child’s ear infection or people who have to deal with chronic headaches or migraines I recommend they look at the area of their home and their bedroom linked to the part of the body that’s having problems.

For example, let’s say your child has an ear infection.  The ears are represented by the north area of your home so start by looking there for clues.  Is there a lot of clutter here?  Do you have a leaky window?  Is a doorknob loose?  Are there broken objects here?

Taking time to clean up and make repairs can help ‘clean up and repair’ the problems your child is having with his or her ears especially if the problem is chronic.  (Obviously you’ll want to see your doctor or health care practitioner too.)

So be sure to use feng shui to energize your health as well as help you in other areas of your life.

October 1, 2009 at 9:30 am Leave a comment

How to Fix Bad Office Feng Shui

Feng shui your office

Feng shui your office

Most of my clients work in an office whether at home or in a business building and often they tell me that they have a hard time focusing at work.  So I thought I’d tell you what I tell them when I give them classical feng shui advice.

First, make sure your space is as free of clutter as possible.  Clutter stops energy flow and also keeps new energy from coming in which creates stagnation around you. 

Think about a stagnant pond.  It gets murkey and makes it hard for fish, turtles and other things to thrive.  In other words it’s lifeless.  It’s hard to be creative and energetic in space that’s lifeless and void of new energy.

Next make sure you’re sitting facing one of your best directions.  In an office environment this usually means facing your personal Success or personal Relationship direction.  When you do this you’re able to gain more recognition for your work and communicate more easily with co-workers, your boss, your clients, vendors, etc.

A great example of what happens when you don’t face one of your four best directions happened to a lawyer client of mine.  I was doing a feng shui consultation for his home and he happened to mention he wanted to set up a home office. 

I explained how two of his best direction would suit him as well as the room he had chosen for his office and he began to tell me that in his office at work he had a hard time concentrating.  He said that he often had to get up and walk around to clear his head and within a few minutes of sitting down again he’d feel aggitated again.

It turns out that he had an L-shaped desk and the way the desk was positioned in his office his only choices were to face his Frustration direction and his Theft direction.  When I told him this he said, “That’s exactly how I feel!  I feel frustrated when I’m in there.”

No wonder!

You’ll also want to sit with your back to a solid wall to create support for yourself in the position you hold.  This also gives you the support you need from your boss and co-workers.

Your desk should also be out of the line of the doorway and you want to be able to clearly see the doorway from where you’re sitting.  If this isn’t possible then place a  mirror so that you can see people coming in and out when you look into it from your desk.

Energy is not mysterious.  In fact it’s affecting you all the time no matter whether you’re paying attention to it or not so the key is to get it to work  for you rather than against you, especially if you’re going to be affected by it 8 hours or more each day.

For more information about classical feng shui I invite you to visit now.

September 27, 2009 at 9:29 am 7 comments

September 2009 Flying Star Feng Shui

  Below is the Flying Star feng shui chart for September 2009


Right-click here to download pictures. To help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet. Sept 2009 Flying Stars

If you draw an outline of your office or home floor plan and then put a tic-tac-toe symbol over it you will have the bagua for your building.  (There’s actually a little more to it than this but in general this will work for you.)  Once you have this you can label the directions so you know which energy will affect the different guas of your office or home.

The easiest way to activate the positive guas (areas in your home) is to keep these areas busy.  Have the kids play here, hold meetings in this area of your office and if your front door is in a positive gua that will stir up the energy, too.
You can reduce the effects of the negative guas by keeping these areas quiet.  If possible, don’t use these areas at all because the more activity you have here the more you will stir up the energy that will create the challenges you see here in the chart. 
For example, if your main door is in the Southeast try to use it as much as possible this month to attract more happiness to your life.  If your front door is in the East it’s better if you use a different door to come and go from your home or business to avoid financial loss.
An easier way to activate the beneficial guas and cure the negative ones is to place your feng shui activations and cures.  That way you don’t have to worry about whether you need to use or avoid certain doors or rooms each month. 
You can get your feng shui cures and activations each month by going here:  Flying Star Feng Shui for 2009.  In addition to giving you everything you need to experience the best energy possible you’ll also get your personal feng shui outlook for the month.

September 9, 2009 at 1:28 pm Leave a comment

Bad Feng Shui Advice

I spend a lot of time answering feng shui questions that come into my website, on Twitter and on various other internet sites and am amazed at the amout of bad advice people have received.  Here are some examples:

  1. “For the best feng shui move your furniture every 6 months” – WRONG!  if you feng shui is set up correctly the first time you shouldn’t ever have to move your furniture. 
  2. “Putting water on the right side of your front door will cause your husband to have an affair.”  – WRONG!  This one is so baffling I’m not even sure how to respond.  Water by the front door is fine if you’re using Compass Feng Shui and your front door is in the north.  It’s also fine if you’re using Flying Star feng shui and the Water Star is auspicious.  Left and right have nothing to do with the placement.
  3. “My neighbor told me to put a crystal at my front door.” – Maybe, it depends on what direction your front door is located.  Crystals work best in the SW and NE so unless your front door is in these locations putting a crystal there doesn’t make sense.

You get the idea. 

So my question to you is would you take medical advice from a math teacher or plumbing advice from a shoe salesman or party planning advice from a monk?  If not then I’d suggest not taking feng shui advice from your neighbor or your friend who read a book or your sister-in-law who knows a guy who knows a guy who had a feng shui consultation done because there’s a better than 90% chance you’re going to get bad (though well intentioned) advice.

August 29, 2009 at 2:54 pm Leave a comment

Your Front Door Has A Story to Tell

front doorDid you know that your front door of your home has a story to tell?  It’s story is unique to the home and is based upon the compass reading of the front door.

Depending on what direction your front door faces as you look out the door your home’s story may say something like ‘powerful people live here’ or ‘spiritual development’ is important here.  That’s because each of the 360 degrees of the compass has it’s own meaning in feng shui based upon an ancient Chinese text called the I-Ching.

I had the priviledge of learning this mysterious feng shui method from Marie Diamond, a highly respected Feng Shui Master and spiritual teacher.  What I learned from her is that when you know the compass reading of the front door you know what is happening for the people inside the home (or office as the case may be). 

I’ll give you a great example of this.  About a year and a half ago I did feng shui consultation for a woman here in South Florida.  She was in the process of getting a divorce and her soon-to-be ex-husband lived in the same neighborhood. 

They had three young sons and the ex-husband would come over each night to put the boys to bed but when he came over he would just walk in the house without knocking.  On top of this he would go into his wife’s room and see what she had in there — books, journals, etc. and would read through her personal mail. 

Needless to say she was less than pleased and this caused even more tension between them.  And even though she asked then demanded he be more respectful and knock first she felt bullied by him because he ignored her. 

When I took the compass reading of the door I discovered something very telling.  The ‘story’ of the front door said that one partner would dominate the other and the other would submit willingly but over time this position of authority and control would become tiring to both.  While future compromise and reconcilliation were possible the relationship would never be the same.

This is what there relationship had come to.  When I told her this her jaw dropped open and she said, “You know we were never like this in our old home.  It was only here that he started to become overbearing and I felt like I had no say over his decisions or in our marriage.” 

This is a woman who used to be a Wall Street broker so she’s no shrinking flower.

My belief is that we attract homes that will help us fulfill our destinies or some lesson we need to experience whether glorious or challenging.  And when that lesson is over our need for the home no longer exists either. 

But what if you like your home or you can’t sell it and you want to live a different ‘story’ like my client did?  Well, you can change the story of the front door using the I-Ching which is what we did. 

About four weeks later I saw her and she said, “You know what?  I meant to tell you that my ex-husband finally started ringing the doorbell about a week after we changed the front door.  He’s doesn’t walk into my bedroom anymore either.”

She was relieved and I was happy for her.

Need to change your front door’s story?  Find out how to get your own feng shui consultation whether you live in South Florida or somewhere else in the world at:

July 15, 2009 at 4:31 pm 1 comment

Feng Shui Basics Every Home Buyer Should Know

If you’re looking for a new home there are some basic feng shui tips you’ll want to keep in mind.  This will make it easier for you to select a home that has good basic feng shui and works with your personal feng shui energy too.

  • Find a home that is on a square lot.  This will create overall balance for the property and allow an even flow of both yin and yang energy.
  • The home should be centered on the lot rather than off to one side, too close to the front yard (leaving a much larger back yard) or too close to the back (leaving a much larger front yard).If the home has a bigger front yard than back yard bringing money into your household will be easy but hanging onto it will be difficult.  If the front yard is smaller than the backyard bringing money into your household will be hard but once you get it you will have an easier time saving it.  Try to find a home where the front and back yards are equal in size.
  • There should be trees, another home or fence behind the house to hold the positive energy on your property and make it easier to hold on to your money.
  • Stand in the street and look at the front of the home. Any vegetation, buildings, telephone poles, flag poles, trees, etc. should be higher on the right side of the house than the left.  If it is the other way around it can create legal problems and/or angry females in the home.
  • The ideal shape of a home is square, however it can be difficult to find a perfectly square home. 
  • If the home isn’t square then you will at least want the home to have all of your 4 personal best directions (Success, Health, Relationships, Wisdom) because if any of these areas are partially or completely missing you will have more problems in these areas of your life.  Your personal best directions are different from general feng shui directions for Success, Health, Relationships and Wisdom.  Your personal directions are specific to you and based on your birthday.
  • Ideally the front door should face the Success or Relationship direction of the bread winner in the family.  If you are retired then finding a home where the front door faces any of your four best directions is fine.
  • Your master bedroom should be in one of your four best directions in the home.  A simplified way to determine this is to draw a tic-tac-toe symbol over the floor plan of the house and see what direction the master bedroom is located in (N, S, E, W, SE, SW, NE or NW).  If it’s in one of your four best directions this will be good for you.

For a more detailed analysis you will also want to look at the Flying Stars on the home.  This analysis can be done by a qualified classical Feng Shui consultant.

 Chriss Barr is a Feng Shui and Dowsing Expert as well as the Best  Selling Author of 4 Easy Ways to Ignite Your Love Life & Fatten Your Wallet available here through

July 11, 2009 at 5:14 pm Leave a comment

Feng Shui Ba Gua

The most basic part of feng shui is the ba gua (pronounced bah gwah), which means ‘eight sides.’

The ba gua looks like a square or rectangle with a tic-tac-toe symbol through it.  Each square in the ba gua represents:

  1. a direction (north, south, east, west, NW, SW, SE and NE)
  2. an area of life
  3. a specific element in nature (fire, water, wood, metal or earth)

Here is an example of a ba gua:

Feng Shui Ba Gua

Feng Shui Ba Gua

The reason we use directions in feng shui is that the word ‘feng’ means wind and represents direction.  Without the directions there is no wind or movement. 

The word ‘shui’ means water and represents abundance in all areas of life: health, relationships, career, family, wealth, wisdom, etc. 

So feng shui means abundance flowing from all directions. 

Once you know how to activate each area of the ba gua you can begin to stimulate a positive flow of energy in your home and office so that you can begin attracting abundance from all directions in life.

Chriss Barr is a Feng Shui and Dowsing Expert as well as the Best  Selling Author of 4 Easy Ways to Ignite Your Love Life & Fatten Your Wallet available here through

June 17, 2009 at 4:34 pm Leave a comment